Flame Demon

Sometimes, you’re out taking pictures, then you don’t know exactly how it happened, but when you download the pictures on the computer and start sorting them out, a flame demon comes at you…

Des fois, vous êtes de sortie à prendre des photos, puis vous savez pas trop comment ça se fait, mais en ouvrant les photos dans l’ordinateur pour les trier, un démon des flammes vous saute à la figure…

Flame Demon

This is a very lucky shot, absolutely no planning or preparation (I was out in the street when I took the shoot), but how do you think I made that happen? Take a guess in the comments 🙂

OK, j’ai eu une veine incroyable, aucune préparation préalable (j’étais dans la rue quand j’ai pris la photo), mais à votre avis, comment j’ai fait? Faites vos jeux dans les commentaires 🙂

12 replies to “Flame Demon

  1. That’s an amazing photo, I’d also say you had a pretty fast shutter speed. It looks like someone doing that fire breathing, but it’s normally animals who get that really strong alien eye at night…..I do like the ‘push the button at the right moment’ comment


    1. Shutter speed was 1/200s, that’s correct ;). There was indeed some firebreathing involved, however the firebreather is *not* in the frame. So those strong alien lights are not from a living being… 😉


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